9.807,50 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
39,46 TRY Faiz Faiz
76,31 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
33,10 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,62 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
106,70 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
351,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.437,60 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Turkey crosses the 10 thousand Megawatt limit in wind energy!

Turkey, which commissioned its first wind power plant in Germiyan Village of Çeşme in 1998, will exceed the installed power limit of 10 thousand Megawatts in August with the acceleration it has recorded in the last fifteen years.

Turkey crosses the 10 thousand Megawatt limit in wind energy!

Alper Kalaycı, Chairman of the Board of the Energy Industrialists and Businessmen's Association (ENSİA), said that Turkey's installed power, which was only 51 MW in 2006, reached the limit of 10 thousand MW with a 200-fold increase, which is a success story that draws the attention of the whole world.

Stating that the Renewable Energy Support Mechanism (YEKDEM), which was enacted in 2005, as well as the investments made in the main and sub-industry had a great impact on reaching this result, Kalaycı said, “All our relevant public authorities, especially our Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, our industrialists, engineers and workers are holding hands. We have achieved this great success. As of June 2021, 253 power plant projects are in operation throughout Turkey and the total installed power of these power plants reaches 9,660 Megawatts. With this investment speed, we will achieve a very important success as Turkey at the end of August and our RES installed power will exceed the limit of 10 thousand Megawatts. I, too, am proud to be a part of this magnificent story as a manager who worked as a young engineer in one of Turkey's first wind energy projects in 1998.” said.

Stating that the Renewable Energy Support Mechanism (YEKDEM), which was enacted in 2005, as well as the investments made in the main and sub-industry had a great impact on reaching this result, Kalaycı said, “All our relevant public authorities, especially our Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, our industrialists, engineers and workers are holding hands. We have achieved this great success. As of June 2021, 253 power plant projects are in operation throughout Turkey and the total installed power of these power plants reaches 9,660 Megawatts. With this investment speed, we will achieve a very important success as Turkey at the end of August and our RES installed power will exceed the limit of 10 thousand Megawatts. I, too, am proud to be a part of this magnificent story as a manager who worked as a young engineer in one of Turkey's first wind energy projects in 1998.” said.

“We can be the production base of oversea Res”

Alper Kalaycı, Chairman of ENSİA Board of Directors, made the following assessment:

“While the Offshore Wind Energy Association (DURED) only shares the information that our offshore RES potential is 75,000 MW, all professionals of the industry are in agreement that our onshore RES capacity is at least 100,000 MW. Today, the power plants have the technology to produce at low wind speeds with their high energy generation capacity. Likewise, we observe a dizzying speed in the technologies of the equipment used in wind measurement. In the light of these facts, we think that REPA should be updated as soon as possible with new technical and academic measurements. We express that the tender processes for our country, which is a peninsula surrounded by seas on three sides, should be completed by our Ministry without losing time. In the past 23 years, our country has gained a qualified industry with a very good infrastructure that produces towers, blades, turbines and components of wind power plants. With this infrastructure, we can produce all kinds of offshore WPPs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions, and with this production with a very high added value, we can earn a large amount of foreign currency for our country.”


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