According to the published results, the Department determined that during the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023, certain Turkish producers sold this product at below-market prices. The average dumping rate for Çolakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş./Çolakoğlu Dış Ticaret A.Ş. and Kaptan Demir Çelik Endüstrisi Ve Ticaret A.Ş./Kaptan Metal Dış Ticaret Ve Nakliyat A.Ş. was 1.05%, while the rate for İçdaş Çelik Enerji Tersane ve Ulaşım Sanayi A.Ş. was zero.
It was also found out that Diler Dış Ticaret A.Ş. did not export rebar to Ekinciler Demir ve Çelik Sanayi A.Ş. and Habaş Sinai ve Tibbi Gazlar İstihsal Endüstrisi A.Ş. in the same period.
The administrative investigation for Diler, Ekinciler and Habaş was terminated.
The final decision is expected to be shared within 120 days from the announcement of the provisional results.
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