The Assembly of Delegates of Turkish Exporters (TİM) took place in Antalya. Within the framework of the TİM Delegates Assembly, the union presidents made presentations and explained the details of the work to be done for the 375 billion dollar export target in 2028 and the 40 projects created within this framework. TİM President Mustafa Gueltepe stated that the export family, like Turkey as a whole, is experiencing the 100th anniversary of the Republic with justifiable pride and excitement: “This year we are also celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish Exporters' Assembly. As an export family, we have achieved great things in 30 years. We have played a locomotive role in Turkey's development. We have increased our exports from 15.3 billion dollars to 254.2 billion dollars in 30 years. In 2022, we will reach 345 billion dollars, with 90 billion dollars coming from exports of services. This year, we have a target of 255 billion dollars for exports of goods and 110 billion dollars for exports of services. Despite the decline in demand in the world markets and the difficulties our exporters are having in maintaining prices, we have mobilized all our resources to achieve the target. We hope that we will be able to present our country and our nation with a meaningful balance sheet on the 100th anniversary of our republic. We have confidence in the potential of this country. As we enter the second 100 years with this confidence, we have set ourselves the goal of making Turkey one of the top 10 exporting countries. The export target of 375 billion dollars set for 2028 in the 12th Development Plan will be one of our first important tests in this process. “We will work with all our might to reach the 375 billion dollar target by making the most of the next five years” "We must produce more and export more" Mustafa Gultepe emphasized that they need to produce more and export more for the development of Turkey and the welfare of the nation. Gultepe stated that he is very satisfied with the economic management practices that prioritize exports: “Our difficulties in keeping prices and the global recession have caused us to export less this year. Unfortunately, we had to accept market losses. The labor-intensive sectors in particular were under great cost pressure. In the first nine months, we suffered losses in exports in 13 of our 27 sectors. Imports fell sharply in our key markets due to the drop in demand. However, as we are more expensive than competing countries, the decline in our exports is greater. However, we need to find new markets, let alone lose them. With this realization, we as TİM are working hard to both increase our product variety and find new markets. "As TİM and as exporters' associations, with the support of our Ministry of Trade, we will close 2023 with 148 trade delegations and 53 purchasing delegations, a total of over 200 delegations," he said.
TİM President Gultepe said: "We have increased our exports from 15.3 billion dollars to 254.2 billion dollars in 30 years."
TİM President Gultepe said, "Our difficulties in keeping prices and the global recession have caused us to slow down our exports this year." Gultepe said that the 2028 target of 375 billion dollars will be one of the first major tests for them.

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