The plant, together with two new electric smelters, will be at the heart of the first transformation step in thyssenkrupp's decarbonization process as part of the tkH2Steel project, according to the company.
The steelmaker said last month that the tender would be carried out in three phases
The hydrogen requirement is being put out to tender in a transparent and comprehensive procedure, with the aim of having the direct reduction plant fully powered by hydrogen as early as 2029. The tender is being organized in close coordination with the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). Together with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the ministry is financing the plant project and the associated hydrogen expansion to the tune of around €2 billion ($2.2 billion).
According to the steelmaker, the plan will enable tk to phase out the use of natural gas at an early stage, while at the same time kick-starting the hydrogen expansion in Germany. The 100% hydrogen direct reduction plant has an annual production capacity of 2.5 million tons of DRI.
The first use of hydrogen in the plant combination is scheduled for 2028. By 2029, the steelmaker will use around 143,000 tons of hydrogen, equivalent to 5.6 terawatt hours. As Germany's largest hydrogen consumer, tk Steel claims that it will act as a pioneer and driver of the hydrogen economy.
The call for tenders for the hydrogen volumes was published on various German federal government and EU portals. The tender process will be divided into three phases and is aimed at all potential hydrogen suppliers with renewable green or CO2-reduced blue hydrogen production projects and capable of delivering to Duisburg.
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