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44th Building Fair Hosted the World!

Investors and purchasing professionals from 60 countries attended Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul, one of the world's largest fairs in the field of building, construction materials and technologies.

44th Building Fair Hosted the World!

Yapı, yapı malzemeleri ve teknolojileri alanında dünyanın en büyük fuarlarından biri olan Yapı - Turkeybuild İstanbul'a 60 ülkeden yatırımcı ve satın alma profesyonelleri katıldı. Yatırımcıların, satın alma profesyonellerinin ve katılımcıların yoğun ilgi gösterdiği ve yoğun iş görüşmeleri sonucunda tarafların oldukça memnun ayrıldığı Yapı Fuarı'nın 45'incisi için bu yıl fuara katılan 320 katılımcının tamamı şimdiden yerlerini ayırdı. Bu gelişme ile Yapı Fuar, bir sonraki yıl için katılımcı rezervasyon sayısında rekor kırdı.

Geçen yıl 43'üncüsü düzenlenen ve 1 milyar Euro'ya yakın iş hacmi yaratan Yapı – Turkeybuild İstanbul, 23-26 Mart tarihleri ​​arasında dünya yapı ve inşaat sektörünün tüm temsilcilerini İstanbul'da bir araya getirdi. Fuarda 17 ülkeden 320 katılımcı 200'den fazla ürün grubunu sergiledi.

Bir önceki yıla göre ziyaretçi sayısını %171, yabancı ziyaretçi sayısını ise %191'in üzerinde artıran küresel bir işbirliği ve bilgi paylaşım platformu olan Yapı Fuarı, 8.232'si yabancı olmak üzere 157 ülkeden toplam 45.731 ziyaretçiyi ağırladı. yabancılar. .

400'den Fazla Yabancı Alıcı Yeni İşbirlikleri İçin Yapı Fuarındaydı

Fuar, katılımcı ve ziyaretçilerin yoğun ilgisinin yanı sıra yabancı satın alma profesyonelleri ve yatırımcıların da ilgi odağı oldu.

Hyve Group, "VIP Hosted Buyer" programı kapsamında üst düzey ve güçlü karar vericileri Türkiye'ye davet etti. Başta Kanada, Şili, Danimarka, Fransa, Almanya, İrlanda, İspanya, İsviçre, Katar, Birleşik Krallık ve Yunanistan olmak üzere fuarda 60 ülkeden 400'e yakın satın alma profesyoneli ve yatırımcı, yeni iş birliği fırsatları için yerel iş ortaklarıyla bir araya geldi.

Toplantılar hem fiziksel hem de çevrimiçi işbirliği platformu Hyve Connect üzerinden yapılırken, fuar, küresel yapı ve inşaat sektörü için güçlü bir geri dönüşün sinyallerini verdi.

Sektörde Değişimin Odak Noktaları: Enerji, Çevre ve Sürdürülebilirlik

The Yapı Fair, which affected the course of the industry not only for Turkey and the region, but also for the world, with the cooperation and information sharing opportunities it offered to professionals and the events it organized, focused on energy, environment and sustainability issues and also shaped the future of the industry.

Organized physically for the first time this year, ZeroBuild Summit'22 – International Zero Energy Buildings Summit, hosted by the Building Fair, "Change Starts Here!" It took place with the slogan (Change Begins Here!).

The International Zero Energy Buildings Summit, which was held with an intense program flow from the first day to the last day of the Building Fair, hosted nearly 100 local and foreign speakers in 16 sessions for 4 days.

In order to realize Turkey's 2053 Net Zero Emissions commitment, the duties of the building, construction materials and technologies sector, which is among the carrier sectors of the economy, were discussed in detail. In addition to industry professionals, important names from academia took part in the summit; The potential application areas, exemplary applications, global economy and environmental benefits of Zero Energy Buildings in Turkey, the region and the world, which need very low amount of energy in all areas such as heating, cooling and lighting, and which provides this need from renewable energy sources, are detailed.

Techno-Ventures Meet with the Industry in the Construction Tech Garage Area

Having hosted local enterprises that offer new services and solutions in the field of building, construction materials and technologies for the first time in the previous fair, Yapı Fair brought together 13 start-ups, sector representatives and professionals for the second time this year. Developed in cooperation with the Architect of Change, Innovative Management Consultancy and hosting entrepreneurs who contributed to the digital transformation of the industry during the Construction Fair, Yapı Tech Garage hosted the "Marathon Presentations" on March 26.

In the Yapı Tech Garage area of ​​the Yapı Fair, which paves the way for new collaborations for startups; initiatives on topics such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, data science, artificial intelligence, relationship management between industry stakeholders, educational technology, payment management, passive house designs, rendering, digital spaces, new generation building products, from the design stage to the building delivery stage It introduced technologies that offer different possibilities to architects, engineers, project managers, manufacturers, contractors, developers, marketers and users.

Golden Magnet Stand Design Awards Found Their Owners

The 44th Yapı - Turkeybuild Istanbul's traditional Golden Magnet Stand Design Awards found their owners with a ceremony held at the end of the second day of the fair. At the fair, companies that transformed their brands and products into a point of attraction for visitors in their booth design competed in the 'Golden Magnet Stand Design Awards'. In the competition where the independent jury members, consisting of the most valuable designers, interior architects, engineers and professionals of the sector, evaluated different criteria; The connection they establish with the product, emphasizing the desired qualities of the product in the best way, organizing it as a 3D design object, aesthetics in the use of visual materials, modularity of the stand and its usability in different places were taken as the basis. Samet Kalıp Ve Madeni Eşya San. and Tic. Inc., 2nd place to Arkitech Advanced Construction Technologies Construction Manufacturing Industry and Trade Inc., 3rd place to Sever Makine Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.Ş., Honorable Mention Kızılay Sistem Yapı A.Ş. ., Hyve Group Encouragement Award went to Emek Kapı Sistemleri, The Best Technology Solutions Company Award was given to Inohom Smart Home Systems, and Glulam Sa received the Most Creative Identity Design Company Award at its Stand.

Building Fair Hosts World Famous, Award-Winning Architect Bram Aerts

Bram Aerts, Co-Founder of TRANS architectuur & stedenbouw, one of the leading architectural offices in Belgium, came to Istanbul to give a conference as part of the 44th Building Fair. In a short time, TRANS has established a strong reputation among the acclaimed Flemish architectural offices ahead of its generation; Aerts, whose architecture office is working on a series of groundbreaking transformation projects for the sustainable improvement of cities, explained at the Building Fair its strategy to transform and reinterpret the built environment, a radical solution against destruction, open space occupation and the domination of the construction industry.

Private Fair Tours with Master Architects and Materials Experts

Building Fair, which prioritizes interaction and thus distinguishes itself from other fairs, was organized in the 4th year of Yapı Master Class - Architectural Master Classes, under the themes of "Environmental Sensitivity and Architectural Design" and "Interscale Parametric Design". Master architects Durmuş Dilekci, Şule Ertürk, Buşra Al, Volkan Taşkın and Dr. In the tours accompanied by Cenk Dereli, the participants; While chatting with architects on sustainable architecture, energy efficient building materials, environmentally friendly projects and innovative design and technology trends, they had the opportunity to learn about applied products on site by having a unique experience with their booth visits.

Katılımcı firmaların yer aldığı Yapı Sahnesi'nde ise yeni ürün ve teknolojiler, güncel trendler, sürdürülebilirlik, Ar-Ge yatırımları, yeni iş birlikleri, rekabetten farklılaşan ticari anlaşmalar, iş geliştirme modelleri, markalaşma temaları konuşuldu. yapı sektöründe ve müşteri deneyimi modellerinde.


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