9,724.50 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
43.45 TRY Interest Interest
73.24 USD Fossil Oil Fossil Oil
29.75 USD Silver Silver
4.12 USD Copper Copper
100.31 USD Iron Ore Iron Ore
353.00 USD Shipbreaking Scrap Shipbreaking Scrap
2,628.71 TRY Gold (gr) Gold (gr)

OYAYO has released a material disclosure

OYAK Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş published a Material Disclosure on the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP).

OYAYO has released a material disclosure

OYAK Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş made the following statement to the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP);

According to the net asset value table of our company as of 11.04.2023, the net asset value per share is 3.540757 TL. As of 11.04.2023, the weighted average price of 10.50 TL in BİAŞ has exceeded 2 times the net asset value per share.

In case the weighted average price of the partnership shares in BİAŞ exceeds 2 times the net asset value per share, the second paragraph of article 36 titled "Information and Public Disclosure" of the Communiqué on Principles Regarding Securities Investment Trusts numbered (III-48.5) of the Capital Markets Board. It is obligatory to publish the portfolio and net asset value table of the partnership, which is prepared on a sectoral basis, on the Public Disclosure Platform, every working day, until this situation is eliminated. As per the provision, the portfolio value and total value table dated 11.04.2023, prepared on a sectoral basis, is submitted to the information of the shareholders, investors and the public.

We do not have any special circumstances that have not been disclosed to the public that may affect the unusual price and quantity movements in our company's shares.


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