10,727.58 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
37.05 TRY Interest Interest
70.45 USD Fossil Oil Fossil Oil
33.88 USD Silver Silver
4.94 USD Copper Copper
102.49 USD Iron Ore Iron Ore
351.00 USD Shipbreaking Scrap Shipbreaking Scrap
3,518.13 TRY Gold (gr) Gold (gr)

Karabuk Iron and Steel (KARDEMIR) is 86 years old!

Kardemir celebrates its 86th birthday today.

Karabuk Iron and Steel (KARDEMIR) is 86 years old!

Karabük, whose future changed with the laying of the foundation of Karabük Iron and Steel Factories (KARDEMİR) on April 3, 1937 by the then Prime Minister İsmet İnönü, is celebrating the 86th anniversary of its foundation today.

Kardemir produced the first Turkish iron

On April 3, 1937, by the then Prime Minister İsmet İnönü, it was laid on large paddy fields at the junction of the Soğanlı and Araç streams, which are the branches of the Filyos River, in the Karabük village of Zonguldak, and thus, Turkey's first heavy industry move was initiated by turning from rice agriculture to steel industry in Karabük. Founded by İsmet İnönü and Fevzi Çakmak on April 3, 1937, KARDEMİR produced the first Turkish iron on September 10, 1939.

"Factory Building Factories"

With its establishment, KARDEMİR assumed important duties in the construction of the Republic of Turkey, and received the title of "factory establishing a factory" due to its involvement in the establishment of Ereğli Iron and Steel Factories (ERDEMİR) and İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. (İSDEMİR).

It continues to grow with its investments

While KARDEMİR is the only rail and train wheel manufacturer in the country, it is also the only national brand of the country in the production of heavy profiles and thick coils.

KARDEMİR continues to support the defense industry and automotive fields with the investments it has made in recent years.


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