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HYBRIT announced the successful completion of fossil-free hydrogen storage tests

The HYBRIT initiative, founded by Swedish energy company Vattenfall, steelmaker SSAB and mining company LKAB, has announced the successful completion of a hydrogen gas storage pilot project. The project reportedly proves that large-scale storage of fossil-free hydrogen gas is possible.

HYBRIT announced the successful completion of fossil-free hydrogen storage tests

HYBRIT announced that this technology will reduce SSAB's carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden and Finland by 10% and 7%, respectively. This development is seen as a significant step in reducing the environmental impact of steel production.

HYBRIT was launched in 2016 as an initiative aimed at producing fossil-free iron and steel using hydrogen gas. The 100 m³ capacity pilot hydrogen storage facility, located in Luleå, Sweden, was built using steel-lined rock cavern technology.

The pilot storage facility underwent accelerated mechanical tests simulating approximately 50 years of operation. The completed tests demonstrated that the technology works to support large-scale hydrogen users and could result in savings of around 25% to 40% in variable operating costs of hydrogen production. Based on the test results and experiences gained from the pilot project, it was reported that the technology is now ready for commercialization.

Jenny Greberg, Vice President of Technology at LKAB, stated, "Hydrogen is a crucial component of LKAB's future strategy and its path towards carbon dioxide-free products and processes. While no decisions have been made regarding hydrogen gas storage, the successful results from the pilot provide us with a solid foundation as we assess the needs and opportunities for storage in conjunction with our planned sponge iron production facilities."



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