This project is part of an initiative aimed at reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from industrial facilities.
NETL's Point Source Carbon Capture Program aims to capture CO2 from industrial facilities with the goal of meeting US decarbonization targets. The project is an important part of carbon capture technologies in iron and steel plants, especially as it has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions from blast furnaces.
Technologies such as polymer membranes offer a simpler CO2 separation process compared to other CO2 separation methods. This means potential cost savings and reduced capital costs.
The project will start by installing a test unit at US Steel's Edgar Thomson Plant. This test unit will reduce the nitrogen content from flue gas, aiming to produce high purity CO2. The resulting CO2 can be used as a raw material for storage or industrial use.
The project aims to contribute to the US goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving a greenhouse gas neutral economy.
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