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Taiwanese steelmakers maintain prices amid stagnant market

Taiwanese steelmakers are keeping their prices stable as there is no significant change in overall market conditions.

Taiwanese steelmakers maintain prices amid stagnant market

Taiwanese steelmakers received orders totaling 200,000 tons of rebar this week, exceeding one-month purchasing volume. The price difference between southern Taiwan and the central and northern regions ranged from NTD 300 to NTD 400 (about USD 9 to 12).

The southern Taiwanese market has been quiet for the past two months and has seen a significant influx of orders totaling 150,000 tons. This indicates a strong recovery for the region.

Future trading conditions are expected to be shaped by changes in international raw material prices in September, which could lead to different price movements.

Meanwhile, Yieh United Steel Corp. (Yusco), a major Taiwanese stainless steel producer, announced that it will keep its stainless steel flat product prices at the same level as in August in September. This decision reflects considerations regarding raw material costs, energy costs, and exchange rates.

Similarly, Tang Eng Iron Works Co. Ltd., another major player in Taiwan’s stainless steel sector, announced that it will keep its prices unchanged in September. This is a departure from the price negotiations that have been going on for 16 months.

Keeping prices constant is consistent with market expectations as there has been no significant change in general market conditions.


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