The agreement includes a comprehensive upgrade and long-term technical maintenance of the PSM380 mill, which is used in the rolling process of special steel bars.
Project aims to increase the production capacity and product quality of the mill, while the upgrade will improve dimensional accuracy, reduce labor costs and provide a better microstructure for low-temperature rolling processes. The modernization is also expected to reduce downtime, make the production process more efficient and increase annual output. Thanks to the more stable operation of the mill, product quality will be maintained, material losses will be minimized and productivity will increase significantly. By doing so, Xigang New Materials aims to further strengthen its competitive position in the Chinese special steel market.
The agreement is not limited to hardware upgrades, but also includes comprehensive maintenance services in line with SMS Group's “lifecycle partnership” concept. The company announced that it will contribute to the uninterrupted and efficient continuation of Qinghai Xigang's production processes.
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