Accordingly, anti-dumping duties on Chinese rolled steel imports will continue at varying rates depending on the producer companies.
According to the first regulation, a dumping investigation was opened against imports of "hot rolled flat steel" originating from China, India, Japan and Russia.
Accordingly, the application made by the Turkish Steel Producers Association on behalf of domestic producers Çolakoğlu Metalurji AŞ, Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları TAŞ, İskenderun Demir ve Çelik AŞ, Habaş Sınai ve Tıbbi Gazlar İstihsal Endüstrisi AŞ and Tosçelik Profil ve Sac Endüstrisi AŞ was evaluated.
As a result of the examination, since it was understood that there was sufficient information, documents and evidence to open a dumping investigation, it was decided to open a dumping investigation within the framework of Article 20 of the Regulation for the product originating from China, India, Japan and Russia with the decision of the Unfair Competition in Imports Evaluation Board.
The second regulation directly targeted Chinese steel products
Accordingly, anti-dumping duties will be imposed on imports of "hot rolled non-rolled flat steel" (thick plate) originating from the People's Republic of China at varying rates depending on the producer company Jiangying Xingpeng Special Steel Works Co. Ltd. and others.
According to the communiqué on the prevention of unfair competition in imports published in the Official Gazette, the final review investigation conducted by the General Directorate of Imports of the Ministry of Trade for the product group in question was completed.
As a result of the investigation, it was determined that it is likely that dumping and damage will continue or re-occur in case the measure for these products originating in China is repealed.
Accordingly, dumping duties will continue to be imposed at the rate of 16.89 percent of the CIF value on imports of Jiangying Xingpeng Special Steel Works Co. Ltd. and 22.55 percent on imports from others, at rates varying according to the size of the hot-rolled non-rolled flat steel product.
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