The first of the MechTalks events, hosted by TTMD, MTMD and Borusan Mannesmann, and providing the opportunity to share ideas that will add value to different sectors, will be held on November 25, 2021. The audience will be able to follow the event, which will be broadcast live from Sait Halim Paşa Mansion, on the internet.
Filiz Pehlivan, Mustafa Bilge, Burak Rıza Toraman, Hüseyin Erdem and Meriç Sapçı will be among the panelists in MechTalks, which will be organized with the theme of "Building Mechanical System Adaptation in the Period of Climate Crisis and Pandemic". The panelists will share their valuable views on the actions and action plans to be taken to catch the future today, as well as the changing climate conditions and predictions about the post-pandemic period. Famous TV presenter Merve Yıldırım will be the moderator of MechTalks, and AKUT Founder Nasuh Mahruki will make a visionary presentation as a guest speaker.
Among the sponsors of MechTalks, which the audience can watch live on the internet, are Birleş Mühendislik, Daikin, Doğu Air Conditioning, Form, İSİB, Systemair, Trox, Üntes and Viessmann.
Detailed information about Mechtalks can be obtained from
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