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Georgsmarienhütte stops production due to energy costs

German factory Georgsmarienhütte, a subsidiary of GMH group, has announced that it has stopped production due to the sudden increase in electricity prices in Germany.

Georgsmarienhütte stops production due to energy costs

General Manager Anne-Marie Grossmann stated in an article titled “We need a change in energy policy now!” that they had to stop production. “The biggest reason is a failed energy policy that is destroying our competitiveness when our competitors abroad have moved on,” continued Grossmann. “In 2019, the spot electricity price in Germany never rose above EUR 130/MWh. And now? At 8am this morning it was (once again) over EUR 400/MWh! A price level that forced many companies to stop production on Monday morning!”.

Calling on the new federal government for change, the General Manager called for action to bring electricity prices to a stable, competitive level, reduce grid charges and recognize natural gas as a bridge technology, arguing that economic growth and prosperity must be made a top priority again. According to the information reported, the plant has maintained its capacity in order to guarantee deliveries.

In Germany, the sharp increase in energy prices is not a problem limited to the Georgsmarienhütte plant, but has deeply affected many industrial enterprises. Companies operating in energy-intensive sectors such as steel, chemicals and automotive have faced the risk of losing their competitiveness due to rising costs. This situation has brought the relocation of production facilities abroad to the agenda, while at the same time posing serious threats to Germany's industry-based economic model.


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