Yalçın Ertan, who attended the Jetco meeting held in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, on behalf of the Aegean Exporters' Association, stated: “Türkiye's exports to Finland in 2024 amounted to USD 463 million. The ferrous and non-ferrous metals sector made USD 60 million of these exports. In order for this export figure to reach higher levels, we want the quotas imposed by the European Union on Turkish iron and steel products to be lifted.”
Ertan underlined that it is unfair to impose anti-dumping duties on a Turkish company, which is the most important supplier of the Dutch profile product used in the shipbuilding industry in Europe, and added that this additional tax unnecessarily increases the costs of both Finnish and other European end users and should be re-examined.
The Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aegean Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters' Association, Özlem Bakırel, stated that the European Union's rumors that the quotas applied to Turkish steel products will be further reduced and that taxes will be increased when quotas are exceeded have made Turkish steel producers uneasy and that this situation should be prevented for both Türkiye and the EU.
Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat attended the Jetco meeting, which was also attended by Yalçın Ertan, Deputy Coordinating President of the Aegean Exporters' Associations and President of the Aegean Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters' Association; Özlem Bakırel, Vice President of the Aegean Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Exporters' Association; Muzaffer Turgut Kayhan, Vice President of the Aegean Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association; and Eda Biricik, Branch Chief. In the last part of the meeting, steel companies and textile companies were divided into two groups and made introductory presentations, followed by sectoral evaluations and discussions on cooperation opportunities.
Turkish Ambassador Deniz Cakar hosted the Turkish delegation in Helsinki
Turkish Ambassador Deniz Çakar hosted a reception for the Turkish delegation to Finland for the Jetco Meeting.
DEIK President Nail Olpak, Türkiye Finland Business Council President Evren Dindiren Dönmez, Eximbank representatives, Helsinki Trade Counselor Sibel Toper Özarslan, Turkish Contractors Association President Erdal Eren and representatives of EIB, UIB and GAIB attended the reception, which was also attended by Trade Minister Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat.
At the Jetco Meeting, all participants came together with the participation of Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, Minister of Trade, and Ville Tavio, Minister of Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade of Finland. Türkiye-Finland 2nd Term Joint Economic and Trade Committee JETCO protocol was signed and it was agreed to increase mutual investments and increase bilateral trade volume in a balanced way.
Turk Eximbank and Finnvera signed a Reinsurance Agreement
Turk Eximbank and Finnvera, the official export credit agencies of the two countries, signed a Reinsurance Cooperation Agreement in addition to the Jetco protocol. It was stated that with this agreement, Turkish companies will be able to benefit from more financing instruments and will be able to access financing more easily in projects in third countries.
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