Erdemir's Erdemir Şanlıurfa SPP (Solar Power Plant) project, which Erdemir aimed to put into operation in the Karaali Neighborhood of Eyyübiye district of Şanlıurfa, was canceled.
The statement on the subject was published on the website of the General Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment, Permitting and Inspection.
In the statement, “The ERDEMİR ŞANLIURFA SPP (Installed Power: 171.012 MWm/125MWe/171.012 MWp, Area: 189.64 ha) project planned to be built by EREĞLİ DEMİR VE ÇELİK FABRİKALARI TÜRK ANONİM ŞİRKETI within the borders of ŞANLIURFA province EYYÜBİYE, province KARAALİ MAHALLESİ (0 ADA 2086 PARSEL) has been canceled.”
No explanation was made regarding the reason for the cancellation of the project.
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