While gas prices were decreasing in global markets, BOTAŞ offered discounts to industrial gas.
According to the statement made by BOTAŞ, effective as of 1st February, the wholesale price of gas used by large industrial enterprises is 13.30 to 17.22%; 16.67% discount was made to wholesale of gas for electricity generation.
Based on October 2022, the price of gas used in the industry has been decreased by 24.77% to 38.45% as of 1st February, 2023.
The Energy Market Regulatory Authority had decreased the electricity ceiling price in the free market from 4,200 TL to 3,650 TL. Thus, it was foreseen that the electricity consumption price in industrial enterprises that consume over the price of electricity sold in the free market would decrease by 12%.
Following this move by EMRA in the energy sector, there was an expectation that there would be a discount on gas sales for electricity generation.
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