9,612.84 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
45.53 TRY Interest Interest
73.74 USD Fossil Oil Fossil Oil
34.28 USD Silver Silver
5.09 USD Copper Copper
103.77 USD Iron Ore Iron Ore
356.00 USD Shipbreaking Scrap Shipbreaking Scrap
3,761.14 TRY Gold (gr) Gold (gr)

Democratic Union approves sale of AHMSA material

Democratic Union approves sale of AHMSA material to settle debts.

Democratic Union approves sale of AHMSA material

In a significant development, the Democratic Union has greenlit the sale of scrap and non-essential material from Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA). This decision, backed by the federal government and investors, aims to address pressing financial obligations within the company.

Under the proposal, proceeds from the material sale will be allocated towards settling the electricity bill and clearing three weeks' worth of overdue wages for AHMSA workers. The move is anticipated to pave the way for the company's reactivation by May.

During a recent union meeting chaired by Ismael Leija Escalante, general secretary of section 147, it was revealed that discussions with federal government representatives and Conciliator Víctor Manuel Aguilera had resulted in a consensus. They emphasized the potential for workers to receive payment for three weeks' salary within the next 15 days, with subsequent payments expected every 15 days thereafter.

Notably, the federal government has pledged its support for the agreement forged between the union, investors, and federal agencies. As a safeguard, the government has indicated its readiness to withdraw from the agreement should the employer fail to fulfil its commitments.


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