In connection with the conference work, the Arab Iron and Steel Association organizes the "International Iron and Steel Fair 2023", which will create a suitable environment for companies to showcase their iron and steel products, innovations and modern technical solutions that help their development.
It is planned to be the right address for manufacturers to meet with institutions and companies and technologists operating in the field of iron and steel trade, as well as to diversify the efficiency of the iron and steel industry.
Conference main topics
green steel technology
Reflections of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the steel industry
Global economic crises and their effects on the Arab steel industry
The effects of oil and gas prices on the economy of the steel industry
Investment opportunities and challenges in the Arab steel industry
Ability of Arab countries to produce value-added steel
New technologies and their role in the modernization of blast furnace factories
The circular economy (green scrap) and its role in the sustainable development of the steel industry
Modern maintenance systems, safety, health and industrial safety in the steel industry
Raw materials and production requirements and their impact on the future of the Arab iron and steel industry
Training strategies in the iron and steel industry
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