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A proposal package from the EU on the measures that members can take against rising energy prices

The European Union (EU) Commission presented a proposal package to the member states against the increase in energy prices, which includes options such as postponing electricity and gas bills in the short term, making direct payments to households and tax reductions.

A proposal package from the EU on the measures that members can take against rising energy prices

EU Commission Energy Member Kadri Simson, at a press conference in Brussels, announced the content of the package, which includes the measures that member states can implement in the short and medium term in line with the Union law, against rising energy prices.
According to the package, which includes various options to protect consumers and businesses, emergency income support will be given to low-income consumers in the short term. The support can be applied through coupons or partial bill payment. Revenues from the EU's emissions trading system can be used in this area. Electricity and natural gas bill payments will be allowed to be temporarily deferred, electricity or gas connections will be prevented for those who cannot pay their bills, and poor households will receive temporary "targeted" tax relief.

Aid to companies and the industrial sector will be provided in accordance with EU public support rules. Violations of competition rules in the energy market for price increases will be investigated and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) will be asked to closely monitor developments in the carbon market. It will be requested to examine the current electricity market design regarding these processes. Access to purchase agreements in the field of renewable energy will be facilitated and investments in the establishment of carbon-free and durable energy systems in this field will be increased in the medium term. In order to close the energy gap, the tenders and permit processes of renewable investments will be facilitated. Energy saving processes and According to the package, the focus will be on the insulation of buildings and increasing energy efficiency in the field of energy saving.

Relevant regulations will be reviewed and energy storage capacity will be developed to ensure better use of gas stores in Europe. Possible benefits of joint natural gas supply and gas stock creation by EU member states will be investigated. By strengthening the role of consumers in the energy market, consumers will be able to easily choose and change their suppliers Energy prices are breaking records in Europe with the economic recovery The recent economic recovery has increased the global natural gas demand and prices have risen rapidly as the natural gas supply remained stable. The price of natural gas in monthly forward contracts in Europe has exceeded 600 percent in the last one year. increased to record levels.

In Europe, where 20 percent of electricity production is met by natural gas under normal conditions, the decrease in hydroelectric power plants due to drought and the decrease in electricity generation from wind energy increased the share of gas in production. Electricity prices have also climbed rapidly due to the increase in electricity prices. In the winter months, the natural gas demand of European countries is expected to increase further and electricity prices are expected to rise further. Consumers in Europe also complain about rising natural gas and electricity prices. It will also be discussed at the EU Leaders' Summit to be held on 21-22 October.


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