9,612.84 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
45.53 TRY Interest Interest
73.74 USD Fossil Oil Fossil Oil
34.28 USD Silver Silver
5.09 USD Copper Copper
103.77 USD Iron Ore Iron Ore
356.00 USD Shipbreaking Scrap Shipbreaking Scrap
3,761.14 TRY Gold (gr) Gold (gr)

80 iron and steel companies were on the list of top exporting companies

Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) published its report titled "Türkiye's Top 1000 Exporters in 2023". In the published report, the exports of 58 out of 80 iron and steel companies decreased, while the exports of 15 increased.

80 iron and steel companies were on the list of top exporting companies

Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) published its report titled "Türkiye's Top 1000 Exporters in 2023". According to the report, 8 new companies, whose names were not mentioned in 2022, were added to the list in 2023. In 2023, the total exports of the 80 steel companies included in the report were recorded as 10.66 billion US dollars.

Habaş became the largest steel exporter on the list with an export value of 839.3 million US dollars. Habaş ranked as Türkiye's 25th largest exporter among all sectors, and its export value decreased by 36.7% compared to the previous year.

In parallel with the economic difficulties experienced, the decline in export volume and unit price of steel, a decrease in the exports of many steel companies was observed. While 58 of the 80 companies on the list experienced a decrease in their exports, only 15 companies managed to increase their export value compared to 2022. While 51 of the 80 companies on the list decreased in the rankings, 21 companies increased.

Erciyas Çelik increased its exports by 83% in one year

According to the "Türkiye's Top 1000 Exporters in 2023" report published by the Turkish Exporters Assembly, the top five steel exporters are Habaş, İçdaş Çelik Enerji, Tersane ve Ulatma San. A.Ş., Diler Dış Ticaret A.Ş., Tosçelik Profil and Yücel Boru.

Although these five companies did not increase their annual exports in the 2022-2023 period, they were entitled to be among the companies that exported the most. Erciyas Çelik Boru A.Ş. ranks fifteenth on the list. made a huge jump of 83% in 2023 compared to its export figure in 2022. While the company achieved an export figure of $ 113,910,723 in 2022, it achieved a significant progress in a one-year period by reaching an export figure of $ 208,484,507 in 2023.

25) Habaş 839 million dollars (-36.7%)

31) İçdaş 655 million dollars (-49.3%)

38) Diler Foreign Trade 591 million dollars (-43%)

39 Tosçelik Profile and Sheet Metal 554 million dollars (-29.3%)

47) Yücel Pipe and Profile Industry Inc. 452 million dollars (-39.4%)

69) Tatçelik 322 million dollars (-21.3%)

71) Kocaer Çelik 317 million dollars (-19.6%)

73) İsdemir 312 million dollars (-40.5%)

76) Çolakoğlu Metalurji A.Ş. 308 million dollars (-32.3%)

88) Kaptan Grup Metal Foreign Trade 279 million dollars (-38.7%)

93) Borçelik 265 million dollars (-36.4%)

95) Borusan Boru 263 million dollars (-37.7%)

113) Izmir Iron and steel 230 million dollars (+9.3%)

120) Ereğli Iron and Steel 203 million dollars (-52.5%)

121) Kardemir 216 million dollars (+0.5%)

128) Erciyas Çelik 208 million dollars (+83.0%)

136) Sarten Ambalaj 191 million dollars (-2.9%)

150) Mitaş 180 million dollars (+17.4%)

155) Asil Çelik 175 million dollars (-0.1%)

156) Mescier 175 million dollars (-28.2%)

173) Özkan Demir Çelik 158 million dollars (-10.9%)

222) Yıldızdemir Çelik 120 million dollars (-19.7%)

240) Ümran Çelik Pipe 113 million dollars (+116.7%)

254) Norm Civata 109 million dollars (+12.9%)

The iron and steel companies on TİM's export list are as follows;


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