Opening ceremony and Secretary General of the Arab Iron and Steel Union Dr. After Kamel Djoudi's welcome speech, Awwad Al-Khaldi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Iron and Steel Association, Ahmed Ezz, Engineer, Chairman and Founder of the Ezz Steel Group, and His Excellency Ambassador Mohammadi Al-Ni, Secretary General of the Council of the Arab Economic Union, made speeches. Then the opening of the 2023 International Iron and Steel Fair was held.
The conference started with a working report on the steel industry in the Arab region, presented by the Secretary General of the Union Kamel Djouid, and then the conference session proceeded.
1. the session was held about the iron and steel industry and the Arab region. The session covered the opportunities and challenges of the iron and steel industry in North Africa, the steel industry in the Gulf countries in the light of the 2030 Vision, the impact of external geopolitical factors on the Arab iron and steel industry and future plans for the iron and steel industry in the Middle East.
2. the session was held as a workshop for technology owners in the iron and steel sector. The session discussed the most important achievements of steel technology companies, proposals for developing existing factories in Arab countries, modern solutions in the iron and steel industry around the world and the transition to green steel.
3. the session was about the Arab experiences in green steel production. The session was held about which countries have witnessed accelerated activities towards carbon neutrality in the Arab region, the experiences of Emirates Steel - SABIC - Ezz Steel, whether other Arab steel companies are ready to switch to green steel, what steps can be taken to achieve the ecological goal and how green steel production will be.
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