Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs, which increase its awareness at the international level every year as a result of meticulous and diligent work, will take place on their new dates with the hybrid fair model that brings together the power of the live fair and the innovative face of digital applications. A safe fair experience will be presented with measures covering all the requirements of the new normal period at the fairs where New Generation Fair Organization practices will take place. Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs will be held within the framework of the 'contactless fair' application of TÜYAP FUARCILIK GROUP, the first and only fair organization that has been awarded the COVID-19 Safe Service Certificate of the Turkish Standards Institute. In addition to digital applications, all precautions against disinfection, social distance and possible health conditions will be applied at the fairs where the HES code will be entered. With the support of all the stakeholders of the window, door and glass sectors, Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs, which are the most comprehensive specialized fairs in the field of the Eurasia region, will bring together industry professionals with expert participants this year at Tüyap Fair and Congress Center. Do not miss this great meeting on November 3-6, organized in cooperation with the industry's leading associations PÜKAD, PÜKAB and GALSİAD.
Days are numbered for Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs!
Eurasia Window, Door and Glass Fairs, in line with the meetings with the sector associations and sector representatives we cooperate with, and the demands from the sector, on 3-6 November 2021, the new date, with the COVID-19 Safe Service Certificate TÜYAP FAIR and CONGRESS with Aluminum special sections. It will be held at the Centre.

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