9.807,50 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
39,46 TRY Faiz Faiz
76,31 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
33,10 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,62 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
106,70 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
351,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.437,60 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Zhejiang Yongjin IPO attracts great attention

There was intense demand in the initial public offering of Shanghai-based Zhejiang Yongjin Metal Technologies

Zhejiang Yongjin IPO attracts great attention

In the announcement published regarding the demand situation and purchase rate in the initial public offering of shares, it was announced that the price of 23.06 million shares of Zhejiang Yongjin Metal was determined. The price in question was recorded as 22.52 yuan per share.

Yongjin Shares were listed online through the Shanghai Stock Exchange trading system on December 11, 2019.

Investors traded in accordance with the publication "Initial Public Offering of Zhejiang Yongjin Metal Technology Co., Ltd."

According to data provided by the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the number of valid application accounts for this online offering reached 11,366,524. The 23.06 million shares in question constituted 39.99% of the shares offered in this announcement.

Zhejiang Yongjin Metal Technology Co. Ltd. realized the secondary public offering of shares (A shares) in the first group not exceeding RMB 57.67 million. Moreover, it was noted that it attracted great interest by receiving offers of 5,044.84 times the announced amount.


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