9.807,50 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
39,46 TRY Faiz Faiz
76,31 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
33,10 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,62 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
106,70 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
351,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.437,60 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Volkan Bozay, CEO of TÜRKÇİMENTO, made statements about the World Environment Day on 5th June:


Volkan Bozay, CEO of TÜRKÇİMENTO, made statements about the World Environment Day on 5th June:

The cement sector has taken its place as one of the leading sectors with the introduction of low-carbon production, which sets the green target in terms of transformation and new technologies in the fight against climate change. Green transformation should be considered as an opportunity rather than an obstacle, especially in sectors such as cement, iron-steel and chemistry where carbon emission reduction is difficult. According to Turkey's National Contribution Declaration, 41 per cent reduction will be made from the increase in carbon emissions in 2030. Emissions will reach maximum in 2038 and net zero target in 2053 at the latest.

Stating that the cement sector will make great contributions to Turkey's 2053 zero emission target, Volkan Bozay, CEO of TÜRKÇİMENTO, made the following assessment on the subject:

"In our sector, there are emissions related to the transformation of limestone, which is the raw material, into cement. We call these process emissions. Because limestone produces greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2). The second source is energy emissions. Because high temperatures of up to 1500 degrees are required to convert the raw material. Of course we have a carbon reduction strategy. We should say that traditional methods have an important role in this strategy. However, the cement industry will be one of the leading sectors in reducing carbon emissions with its investments. We can reduce energy emissions with alternative fuels containing biomass or energy efficiency investments. Again, using different raw materials instead of clinker, one of the main ingredients of cement, will be beneficial for emission reduction. Nevertheless, these traditional methods are not sufficient for net zero emissions, we need developing technologies."


Stating that public institutions in Turkey have projects to reduce carbon emissions, Volkan Bozay drew attention to the following points:

  • Our sector closely follows and contributes to the projects of public institutions. By following the current developments, we are constantly trying to contribute to and be a part of the projects developed for low carbon production. In this context, our Ministries have recently launched projects in the form of large road maps supported by the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and TÜBİTAK. As the sector, we also contribute to these projects.
  • As the sector, we expect the Climate Change Law to be published in our country to be mutually supportive with the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) and the Carbon Regulation Mechanism at the Border (CCRM). During the preparation phase of this law, we, as the sector, shared our low-carbon cement production road map with public institutions. Our sector determined the necessary initiatives with the road map study prepared by the sector.
  • These initiatives include establishing sustainability transformation programmes, increasing the use of alternative fuels including biomass, producing cement with low clinker and alternative raw materials, improving energy efficiency and developing and using new technologies. Each of our producers should now seize the opportunity to realise these initiatives. In this way, it is important that both SDCC and our country seize the opportunity to move towards the 2053 net zero target.
  • As the Turkish cement sector, the cooperation of the public and non-governmental organisations will be the most needed for the realisation of these priorities leading to the targets for carbon emission reduction and for full compliance as a sector. In addition to cooperation, by providing financing to the sectors, both investment in new technologies will increase and contribution to emission reduction will be made through alternative fuel use.
  • In the Turkish cement industry, as of the end of 2022, 16 factories in the Turkish cement sector produce their own energy through waste heat recovery in 25 lines with a total power of 141.5 MW and installed with their own capital. This figure corresponds to the daily electricity consumption of approximately 566,000 households.
  • According to the data announced by the European Environment Agency last February, approximately 75% of the auction revenues obtained under the EU Emissions Trading System between 2013-2021 were used for climate and energy-related purposes. When we look at this data, with the provision of similar financial support in Turkey, great contributions will be made to ensure energy efficiency in the cement sector, especially through waste heat recovery.
  • As it is known, we have given a great test with the earthquakes we have experienced recently. With this awareness, rapid steps have been taken for the urban transformation needed in most of our cities, especially in Istanbul. In this process, our sector has the production capacity to meet all the needs.
  • On the other hand, our sector, which struggles with high energy costs, will contribute to the economy of our country as well as the protection of our environment by adopting a low-carbon cement production path in order to both reduce carbon and produce at lower costs. The way to achieve this will be to encourage the use of alternative fuels and to produce cement with additives through alternative raw materials. In this way, the cement sector will be at the heart of the carbon-free future in the 2053 net zero target.


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