9.898,01 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
38,25 TRY Faiz Faiz
70,87 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
32,12 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,68 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
100,23 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
351,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.417,48 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Turkish Metalworking Sector to Come Together at EMO Hannover Fair on 18 September

EMO Hannover, the world's leading trade fair in the field of production technology, will be held in Hannover, Germany between 18-23 September 2023.

Turkish Metalworking Sector to Come Together at EMO Hannover Fair on 18 September

EMO Hannover, the world's leading trade fair in the field of production technology, will be held in Hannover, Germany between 18-23 September 2023. The fair, where the latest international production technologies will be exhibited, will also shed light on the developments in the sector. A press conference was held on 15 June 2023 in Turkey, which stands out as one of the approximately 40 event countries to be visited by the EMO World Tour in the first half of 2023. Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, the organiser of EMO Hannover in Germany and Managing Director of the German Machine Tool Manufacturers Association (VDW), said at the EMO press conference in Istanbul: "We believe that this important exhibition can make a significant contribution to the progress of the industry in Turkey."

As the Turkish economy is positioned as one of the world's 20 largest economies, companies in Turkey are now focusing on the future and planning new projects, according to Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI). Germany is among the largest foreign investor countries, with major projects in transport infrastructure, energy supply and the automotive industry. Oxford Economics, VDW's research partner, expects key customer sectors to invest EUR 3 billion in machine tools in Turkey this year. A large part of this investment is planned to go to the automotive industry.

Stating that Hannover Fairs Turkey has been an important part of the international exhibition market in Turkey for 27 years and that they support Turkish companies participating in exhibitions all over the world, Annika Klar, General Manager of Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcılık A.Ş., said: "Turkey's important companies have been participating in EMO Hannover for years. While Turkey's industry and production is growing day by day, manufacturers are trying to increase their share in the international market by taking part in the world's giant fairs. This year, nearly 60 Turkish companies are participating in EMO Hannover and the exhibition makes a significant contribution to the export growth of the Turkish machine tools sector." Annika Klar underlined that positive results have been achieved in exports due to the good relations between Turkey and Germany for a long time and said, "EMO Hannover plays an important role in the future investment decisions and new steps to be taken by Turkish machine tool manufacturers. During the fair, manufacturers from Turkey will meet new markets and sign new business agreements. Of course, it makes us very happy to contribute to such an efficiency".

Stating that production technology is of great importance for the realisation of industrial projects, Schäfer said, "At EMO Hannover, officials from government and investment promotion agencies can obtain information on which technologies can be used to implement planned projects. EMO Hannover 2019 was visited by 120,000 buyers from 149 countries. 51 per cent of them came from outside Germany to make investment decisions based on the latest information. Turkey represented the third largest group of overseas visitors after Italy and China, and nearly 3 thousand buyers from Turkey came to the 2019 organisation."

Production technology offers solutions for the transformation of industry

While production technology stands out as the enabler and driving force of technical progress in industrial production, it also creates solutions for challenges on the customer side; changing demand, faster product development, more flexible production. Schäfer stated that in addition to these effects, EMO Hannover is focused on innovation and said: "The industry has to produce under changing conditions. Therefore, the motto of our fair is 'Innovation in Production'. On the one hand, this motto defines the call for customers to invest in new technologies, and on the other hand, it motivates manufacturers to present their latest innovations and solutions."

Insights into the future address the current challenges facing the industry

EMO Hannover 2023 is counting down the days to become a new platform on the Internet of Things in Manufacturing while addressing trends related to the Future of Connectivity, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), digital business models, predictive maintenance, machine learning, connectivity, interoperability and artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality applications. "In this way, we want to bring together all aspects of the Digital Factory," said Schäfer. At EMO Hannover 2023, it is aimed to show live how the network with various manufacturers and systems works from the shop floor to the IT structure.

How they can be optimised is also planned to be presented. Speaking at the EMO press conference, Tezmaksan A.Ş. General Manager Hakan Aydoğdu said: "EMO Hannover will provide the opportunity to closely follow new developments and trends thanks to its participants who prioritise showing their innovation cycles in their presentations at this fair. In this way, it will allow industrialists who add value to the economy and production power of our country to meet face to face with new business opportunities. The fact that EMO Hannover, which has the task of being one of the active forces behind the modernisation processes in production outside the fair dates, is developing itself day by day in this respect is a great gain for our sector."

At the fair, the Future of Sustainability in Production area deals with the integration of sustainability into investment planning. "Preventive approaches, solutions and concepts for resource-saving and climate-neutral production and factory planning, circular economy in production, circular value creation, energy-efficient production, sustainable supply chains and safe workplace design will be presented at the fair. In addition to a large number of individual exhibitors offering solutions in this area, the Future of Sustainability in Manufacturing Area will also focus more closely on production, linking scientific approaches with practical applications."

EMO Hannover 2023 offers a wide range of suppliers for Turkish customers

While the consumption of machine tools, which is an indicator of Turkey's growth in its own industrial production, was determined as 1.5 billion Euros in 2021, production remained half of the consumption figure at 770 million Euros. While most of the production in Turkey is exported, many machines continue to be imported. Turkey continues to grow in the sector by increasing its production power. While 58 companies from Turkey participated in the fair, more than 1,100 exhibitors from Taiwan, China, Germany, Japan and Italy, which are the main suppliers of Turkey, and a total of 1,600 exhibitors from 43 countries are planned to take place.


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