Rebar prices in Turkey decreased Traded volume of rebar was increasing. No further decrease is expected as it is interpreted by market representatives that rebar prices have reached the bottom level. Trading activity increased in the trader who thought that the prices were at the bottom level.
The current rebar prices evaluated by are as follows;
Istanbul rebar prices 16.900 TL (0,00) / 889,36 USD (0,00)
Izmir rebar prices 16.750 TL (-50) / 881,46 USD (-2,63)
Karabuk rebar prices 16.900 TL (-100) / 889,36 USD (-5,26)
Payas rebar prices 17.000 TL (-100) / 894,62 USD (-5,26)
(1 USD = 19,00 Turkish Lira)
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