9.961,34 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
40,01 TRY Faiz Faiz
75,97 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
29,61 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,02 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
96,59 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
350,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
2.657,08 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Stegra partners with John Laing and Aquatech for green steel plant

Stegra has signed an agreement with John Laing and Aquatech for the design, build, finance, operate and maintain contract for the water treatment plant of the world's first large-scale green steel plant, set to become operational in 2026 at its industrial site in Boden.

Stegra partners with John Laing and Aquatech for green steel plant

Stegra has signed an agreement with John Laing and Aquatech for the design, build, finance, operate and maintain contract for the water treatment plant of the world's first large-scale green steel plant, set to become operational in 2026 at its industrial site in Boden.

John Laing is reported to be making a long-term investment in the plant and leading the creation of a service agreement for water treatment. Aquatech will design and construct the water treatment plant equipment, and its operation will be carried out under a 25-year service contract.

Stegra CEO Henrik Henriksson emphasized the importance of the water treatment plant to the steel industry, stating: "The water treatment process is a crucial part of our first fully integrated plant for hydrogen, iron and steel production globally. What we're doing in Boden is pioneering in every respect, and it wouldn't be possible without partnerships with names like Aquatech."


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