10.025,05 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
38,60 TRY Faiz Faiz
79,77 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
30,52 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,28 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
104,31 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
350,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.120,62 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Oil loading to ships resumes in Ceyhan

It was stated that oil loading to the ships from the Ceyhan terminal has resumed.

Oil loading to ships resumes in Ceyhan

It was stated that oil loading to the ships from the Ceyhan terminal has resumed. After the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes, the oil loading to Ceyhan was stopped for security purposes.

BOTAŞ resumed oil loading to Ceyhan Terminal as of Tuesday evening.

The authorities reported that as of midnight, the ships started loading oil.

BP's Baku office spokesperson, Onay Bayatlı, said that crude oil exports through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline continued in its normal course, but the barrels were not loaded into tankers at the Turkish port.

The Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government announced that the oil flow to Ceyhan had resumed on Tuesday evening.

Although there was no leakage or pressure problem after the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes, the oil flow to the Ceyhan oil refinery was stopped for security reasons.


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