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Minister Nebati: In the campaign conducted on urban transformation, we received demands from every province of Turkey

Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati said that they have received serious requests from every province of Turkey within the scope of their campaign on urban transformation.

Minister Nebati: In the campaign conducted on urban transformation, we received demands from every province of Turkey
Minister Nebati, in his statement in Şanlıurfa, expressed that they are constantly taking new steps to address the needs for housing in Turkey.
Stating that they are working feverishly with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change to make new houses damaged after the earthquake, Nebati drew attention to the importance they attach to urban transformation.
Reminding that they had previously announced a campaign on housing ownership, Nebati said, "We have taken these steps in Ankara, especially in Istanbul, and other provinces in Turkey. This week, in cooperation with our Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, we updated the previous studies on what we can do at the point of urban transformation and announced a three-week intensive work this week. Within the framework of this announcement, we organized a campaign about our houses that have housing or are damaged or in urban transformation. At the same time, we have created a structure that contractors who want to take part in the construction of these houses can also benefit from here."
Emphasizing that the Ministry of Finance of the Treasury has taken a very serious burden on it in this sense, Nebati made the following evaluations about the "Urban Transformation Financing Package":
"We will increase the amount of aid that our Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change should give as 600 basis points to 840 basis points with an interest rate of 1.49, of which we will meet around 840 basis points. With this ratio, we have taken a serious step towards the realization of urban transformation very quickly. As far as we can see, there has been a serious demand for this from every province of our country, especially from Istanbul. In particular, our municipalities have demanded to cooperate with us in this regard. We have expressed our determination to carry out this responsibility that falls on us in terms of realizing urban transformation to all our municipalities without discrimination together with the condition that they meet it."
Pointing out that citizens can renew their homes with these loans that they can obtain with very favorable conditions, Nebati said that this original design they have obtained will be useful for contractors to enter these areas.
Nebati also stated that with the performance of the municipalities, on the one hand, a rapid development will be achieved in the delivery of the houses damaged by the earthquake, and on the other hand, the road has been opened for the acceleration of urban transformation, especially in Istanbul.
Call to contractors, municipalities and citizens
Minister Nureddin Nabati asked citizens to demonstrate their will to use these measures they have taken as facilitators of urban transformation.
Nabati, who also called on the contractors, concluded his words as follows:
"In an environment where we have facilitated and provided a large area that almost everyone can reach, please take steps quickly in this regard. We call on municipalities. Let them put aside all political motives for a moment and take the necessary steps to reconstruct the houses on one side and reconstruct the houses at the same time so that they can open the way of cooperation with our citizens there and direct them to the reserve areas. We, as the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, are clearly putting our will to solve the problems we may face on the field quickly with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. We have the will to solve all the problems in the same day. As soon as possible, please let all our citizens benefit from these opportunities."


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