9.739,34 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
38,07 TRY Faiz Faiz
73,48 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
36,68 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,53 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
105,60 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
351,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.363,76 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Major companies and regions in Türkiye's iron ore production

Although Türkiye is known as one of the world's leading countries in steel production, it also makes a name for itself with its potential in iron ore production and strategic companies operating in this field. Although most of the iron ore used in steel production is imported, Türkiye's rich reserves and mining companies with production capacity make significant contributions to the national economy and the sector.

Major companies and regions in Türkiye's iron ore production

Iron ore map of Türkiye, which is one of the countries producing the most iron and steel in the world, from production to imports, from exports to producer companies....

When we look at the years in Türkiye's iron ore production, we see that while Türkiye produced 15.455 million tons of iron ore in 2023, this figure was 18.141 million tons in 2022, 17.066 million tons in 2021, 15.310 million tons in 2020 and 17.079 million tons in 2019. 

Approximately one-sixth of this production is exported. When we look at the export figures, Türkiye exported 2.244 million tons of iron ore in 2020. Although this figure did not change much over the years, it was recorded as 3.810 million tons in 2021, 2.820 tons in 2022, 2.300 million tons in 2023 and 1.921 tons in 2024. The highest export figure in the last 5 years was reached in 2021.

Although imports are higher than exports in Türkiye, there are considerable iron ore mining companies in the country. The companies producing iron ore in Türkiye are as follows;

Erdemir Maden, a member of the Oyak Group, is Türkiye's largest iron ore producer and has an annual production capacity of 1.5 million tons of pellets and 750 thousand tons of lump ore. It provides domestic and national raw materials to the Turkish steel industry. Erdemir Maden meets 38% of Türkiye's iron ore production and 16% of its iron ore demand. Erdemir Maden, which operates with an integrated system and is affiliated with the Oyak Group, provides iron ore to Erdemir, İsdemir and Kardemir.

Dimin Madencilik: The Avnik Iron Plant in Bingöl, which realised its first production in January 2009, operates under the roof of Dimin Madencilik. The mine produces an average of 1.5 million tons of both directly saleable iron ore and high grade pellet cake by enriching low grade iron ores through crushing-sieving, grinding and separation methods. The plant has an annual production capacity of 2.5 million tons of raw ore, which is exported to China, the Middle East, Africa and Europe, and also shipped to Türkiye's leading iron and steel mills.

Aksu Madencilik A.S.: The company, which has been producing iron ore in Eymir Village, Havran District, Balıkesir Province since 1953 and has been operating since 1998, produces 300,000 tonnes of iron ore per year. 100 - 150.000 tons of this ore is sized in the crushing and screening unit and sold to iron and steel factories in Türkiye as high grade ore and the remaining part is sold to cement factories in the Western Anatolia region as low grade in the form of large pieces.

Demireller Madencilik: Demireller Madencilik group companies have been producing iron ore for more than 10 years. Iron ores are extracted from the mines in Keban/Elazığ owned by Demar Madencilik AŞ and Gövdeli/Malatya owned by Demad Madencilik AŞ, both of which are group companies. Raw ores are processed in the enrichment plants of the companies. Both magnetite concentrate and raw hematite are produced in Keban. In Gövdeli, only magnetite concentrate is produced. Magnetite production at the Ekinözü/Kahramanmaraş mines was planned to start in late 2024. All three mines are important ore resources of the country.

Iron ore production in Türkiye is mainly concentrated in certain regions. The main iron ore extraction regions are as follows:

1. Sivas

Türkiye has the largest iron ore deposits. It is concentrated in Divriği and Kangal districts. Erdemir Maden (formerly MTA) operates here. Most of Türkiye's iron ore need is met from here.

2. Malatya

There are significant iron ore reserves in Hekimhan and Hasançelebi regions. The ores here are generally enriched and used in iron and steel production.

3. Bingöl

Avnik region is one of the most important iron ore fields in Türkiye. Dimin Mining is engaged in production here.

4. Balikesir

Iron ore is mined in and around Havran. Aksu Madencilik A.Ş. is one of the companies producing here.

5. Kayseri

Iron ore is mined especially in Develi region. Local firms and small-scale enterprises are active.

6. Adana

There are iron ore deposits in Pozantı region. The ores in the region are used in cement and iron-steel sector.

7. Nigde

A limited amount of iron ore is mined in Bor district.

Iron ore mined in these regions is sent as raw material to iron and steel factories in Türkiye and used in steel production. Sivas and Malatya, in particular, lead the iron ore production in Türkiye.


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