9.807,50 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
39,46 TRY Faiz Faiz
76,31 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
33,10 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,62 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
106,70 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
351,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.437,60 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Inflation data for August announced

Turkish Statistical Institute ( TUIK) announced the inflation data for August. In August, CPI increased above expectations with 9.09 percent, reaching 58.94 percent on an annual basis.

Inflation data for August announced

The change in CPI (2003=100) was realized as 9.09% in August 2023 compared to the previous month, 43.06% compared to December of the previous year, 58.94% compared to the same month of the previous year and 56.28% compared to the twelve-month averages.

The main group with the lowest increase was housing

The main group with the lowest increase compared to the same month of the previous year was housing with 24.97%. On the other hand, the main group with the highest increase compared to the same month of the previous year was restaurants and hotels with 89.31%.

The highest increase was in transportation

By main expenditure groups, the main group with the lowest m-o-m increase in August 2023 was education with 3.11%. On the other hand, the main group with the highest m-o-m increase in August 2023 was transportation with 16.61%.

August rates of change in CPI by main expenditure groups

As of August 2023, among the 143 main headings covered in the index (Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose-COICOP 5-Level), the index of 1 main heading decreased, while the index of 4 main headings remained unchanged. The indices of 138 core headings increased.

63.50% increase in the special CPI indicator

The special CPI indicator (B) increased by 63.52% yoy and rose by 9.32% mom. In August 2023, the change in CPI excluding unprocessed food, energy, alcoholic beverages, tobacco and gold was realized as 9.32% compared to the previous month, 47.21% compared to December of the previous year, 63.52% compared to the same month of the previous year and 57.77% compared to the twelve-month averages.

Domestic Producer Price Index increased by 49.41

Domestic Producer Price Index (D-PPI) increased by 49.41% yoy and by 5.89% mom. In August 2023, D-PPI (2003=100) increased by 5.89% compared to the previous month, 31.59% compared to December of the previous year, 49.41% compared to the same month of the previous year and 71.97% compared to the twelve-month averages.

Manufacturing index increased by 54.41% yoy

Among the four main sectors of industry, manufacturing index increased by 54.41% yoy. Annual changes in the four sectors of the industry; 66.42% increase in mining and quarrying, 54.41% increase in manufacturing, 8.21% decrease in electricity, gas production and distribution, and 67.09% increase in water supply. The annual changes in the main industrial groups were as follows; 46.41% increase in intermediate goods, 61.05% increase in durable consumer goods, 66.46% increase in non-durable consumer goods, 20.70% increase in energy and 64.88% increase in capital goods.

Among the four main sectors of industry, manufacturing index increased by 5.41% mom

The monthly changes in the four sectors of industry were as follows; mining and quarrying by 9.99%, manufacturing by 5.41%, electricity, gas production and distribution by 10.16% and water supply by 6.88%. Monthly changes in the main industrial groups were realized as 3.83% increase in intermediate goods, 8.74% in durable consumer goods, 5.67% in non-durable consumer goods, 14.27% in energy and 4.04% in capital goods.

Compared to annual D-PPI, 12 sub-sectors showed lower and 17 sub-sectors showed higher change

Compared to annual D-PPI, 12 sub-sectors showed a lower change and 17 sub-sectors showed a higher change. The only sub-sector with an annual decrease was electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning by 8.21%. On the other hand, basic pharmaceutical products and preparations increased by 99.44%, other mining and quarrying products by 91.41%, beverages by 81.79%.

Compared to monthly D-PPI, 19 sub-sectors showed lower change and 10 sub-sectors showed higher change

The lowest monthly increases were realized in tobacco products with 1.06%, basic metals with 1.39%, metal ores with 1.79%. On the other hand, crude oil and natural gas with 21.85%, coke and refined petroleum products with 18.93%, basic pharmaceutical products and preparations with 18.06% were the sub-sectors where the indices increased the most.


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