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80,05 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
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Death toll in earthquakes in Hatay increased to 6

The number of people who lost their lives in the 6.4 and 5.8 magnitude earthquakes that occurred yesterday evening in the Defne and Samandağ districts of Hatay has reached 6...

Death toll in earthquakes in Hatay increased to 6
In Hatay, the search and rescue efforts initiated after the 6.4 and 5.8 magnitude earthquakes that occurred yesterday evening found the lifeless bodies of 3 people in the rubble of the buildings destroyed in the earthquake.
It was learned that they were caught in the earthquake while trying to remove goods
Following the 6.4-magnitude earthquake centered in Defne district, the building on Şehit Murat Nuraydın Street in Gazi District of Antakya district was destroyed. 4 people, who were trying to remove goods from the building damaged in the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş and who appeared to be transporters, were left among the ruins.
Immediately after, a search and rescue operation was launched.
AFAD, PAK and UMKE teams dispatched to the region started a search and rescue operation. Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, who came to the city after the earthquake, also examined the works on the spot and received information from those concerned.
Death toll in wreckage increases to 6
Selman Hallak, an employee of the transport company, said they were transporting items from the building that collapsed during the earthquake.
Hallak, who explained that he drove away from the building to bring the vehicle at the time of the tremor, said, "4 people were carrying goods from the house. 1 person was pulled out of the wreckage and taken to the hospital. There are 2 Turks and 1 Syrian under the rubble." In the meantime, Yahya Hallak, who became ill while waiting for his brother to be removed from the rubble, was intervened by UMKE teams. The number of people whose bodies were found in the same wreckage in the morning increased to 6.


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