9.866,73 TRY BIST 100 BIST 100
39,25 TRY Faiz Faiz
81,60 USD Petrol(brent) Petrol(brent)
30,67 USD Gümüş(ons) Gümüş(ons)
4,46 USD Bakır(lb) Bakır(lb)
100,74 USD (CME) 62% Fe (CME) 62% Fe
350,00 USD Gemi Söküm Gemi Söküm
3.100,05 TRY Altın(gr) Altın(gr)

Current overview of second quarter EU steel quotas

The latest situation analysis of the EU steel quotas of the countries was made with the data obtained by the SteelRadar team from the official sources of the countries.

Current overview of second quarter EU steel quotas

For India,

India started the second quarter by filling quotas for some products. Again, while the quotas of some products were approaching to fill up quickly, it was observed that some products progressed slowly.

Quotas for 4A Metallic Coated Sheets are full.

Quotas for Stainless BarS and Light Sections have been filled.

5.420/t of the 7.026/t quota for Stainless Wire Rod was used. 1.606/t remained behind.

Of the 5.598/t quota for Seamless Stainless Tubes and Pipes, 3.730/t was used. The quota amount of 1,868/t, which is expected to be filled, remains.

While ,658/t was used from the 29.288/t quota opened for Stainless HR Quarto Plate, 28.630/t remained.

Of the 72.908/t quota opened for 4B Metallic Coated Sheets, 6.756/t was used. 66,152/t remained.

From the quota of 74,820/t, which was opened for Organic Coated Sheets, 3,797/t was used. 71,023/t remained.

3.167/t was used out of 155.268/t quota opened for CRC. The quota of 152.101/t is expected to be filled.

Of the 284.105/t quota for HRC, 42.599/t was used. 241.506/t remained.


For the UK,

At the beginning of the second quarter, the fulfillment level of the EU steel quotas for the UK is on a very low course.

No one opened for Stainless HR Quarto Plate, used from 819/t quota.

No one was opened for Sheet Piling and used from 855/t quota.

Out of the 1.779/t quota opened for Seamless Stainless Tubes and Pipes, 770/t quota which is expected to be filled while using 9/t remains.

While 182/t was used out of the 3.639/t quota for Stainless Wire Rod, 3.457/t remained.

A quota of 219/t was used from the quota of 4,415/t for Stainless Bars and Light Sections. 4,196/t remained.

A quota of 4.863/t was opened for Railway Materials. 91/t of this was used. There are 4,772 remaining.

A quota of 5,838/t was opened for Large Welded Pipes. 103/t was used. There is 5,736/t quota remaining to be filled.

A quota of 11,070/t was opened for Other Welded Pipes. 839/t of this was used. There is 10.231/t left.

A quota of 24,217/t has been determined for Cold Finished Bars. 67/t of this was used. There is 24.150/t left.

The quota of 33,658/t for 4B Metallic Coated Sheets has been opened. 3.823/t of this was used. There are 29.835/t remaining.

Of the 33.658/t opened quota for 4A Metallic Coated Sheets, 2.257/t was used. The remaining quota amount is 31,401/t.

Of the 33.199/t quota opened for Organic Coated Sheets, 439/t was used and 32,760/t remained.

4.437/t of the 49.953/t quota opened for Hollow Sections was used. There are 45,516/t remaining.

Of the 83,228/t quota opened for CRC, 11,717/t was used and 71,511/t remained.

Of the 111,560/t quota opened for Merchant Bars and Light Sections, 2,580/t was used and 108,980/t remained.

Out of the 148,414/t quota opened for HRC, 6.896/t was used and 141.518/t remained.

While 12.529/t of the 174.467/t quota opened for Wire Rod was used, 161.938/t remained.


For China,

China started the second quarter rather quickly. The quotas for four products for China have already been filled. The clan's products, on the other hand, are progressing in their normal course.

The quota of 29,453/t for 3B Electrical Sheets has been filled.

The quota of 133,536/t for Merchant Bars and Light Sections has been filled.

The quota of 6.663/t for Sheet Piling has been filled.

The quota of 36,544/t for Other Seamless Tubes has been filled.

771/t of 1.433/t quota was used for Railway Materials. There are 662/t left.

Of the 879/t quota for Seamless Stainless Tubes and Pipes, 54/t was used. The remaining 825/t quota amount remains.

Of the 1,532/t quota for Stainless Wire Rod, 82/t was used. The remaining 1.450/t quota is expected to be filled.

From the quota of 7,685/t for Other Seamless Tubes, 4,914/t was used, leaving 2,771/t.

Out of the quota of 4,680/t opened for Stainless HR Quarto Plate, 297/t was used and 4,383/t remained.

From the quota of 25,619/t, 2,802/t was used for Cold Finished Bars. The remaining 22,817/t remained.

Out of the 75.170/t quota for Non Alloy Wire, 6.206/t was used and 68.964/t remained.

For 4B Metallic Coated Sheets, 36,777/t was used from the quota of 122,068/t. There is 85,291/t remaining, which is expected to be filled.


South Korea,

There was no amount opened for 3A Electrical Sheets and used from the quota of 242/t.

Seamless Stainless Tubes and Pipes, 163/t was used out of 1.102/t quota. 939/t remained.

From the quota of 2.262/t, 501/t was used for Stainless Wire Rod. 1.761/t remained.

Of the 35.723t quota opened for 4A Metallic Coated Sheets, 14,469/t was used, leaving 52,938/t remaining.

868/t of the 33.496/t quota opened for 3B Electrical Sheets  was used. There are 32,524/t remaining.

Of the 47,354/t quota for Stainless HR Quarto Plate, 3.868/t was used. 43,368/t remained.

From the quota of 67,620/t for Organic Coated Sheets, 14,682/t was used. 52,938/t remained.

18,896/t was used out of the 90,052/t quota for CRC. 71.156/t remained.

30,769/t was used out of the 158.423/t quota for 4B Metallic Coated Sheets. 127,654/t remained.

in HRC 14.834/t was used instead of 177.416/t quota opened for n. The quota amount of 162.582/t, which is expected to be filled, remains.



Of the 64,842/t quota opened for Merchant Bars and Light Sections, 3.052/t was used and 61,790/t remained.

535/t was used from the quota of 4,346/t for Stainless Bars and Light Sections. 3.811/t remained.

5.726/t was used back from the 128.956/t quota for Wire Rod. 123.230/t remained.

Of the 15.285/t quota opened for Hollow Sections, 135/t was used. There is 15.150/t left.

Other Welved Pipes, 1.807/t was used out of a quota of 45.772/t. I have 43,965/t expected quota remaining.

From the quota of 40,143/t, 1.005/t was used for the Cold Finished Bars. 39,138/t remained.


1,508/t was used out of the 23,036/t quota opened for 3B Electrical Sheets. 21.528/t remained.

Of the 21,672/t quota for Organic Coated Sheets, 457/t was used. There are 21.215/t remaining.

Out of the 43,821/t quota for Stainless HR Quarto Plate, 22,835/t was used. 20,986/t remained.

422/t was used from the 4.530/t quota opened for Stainless Wire Rod, and 4.108/t remained.

1.027/t was used out of the 8.577/t quota for Other Welved Pipes7,550/t remain.


While 444/t of the 1.520/t quota opened for Stainless Wire Rod was used, 1.076/t remained.

While 22/t of the 1.025/t quota for Seamless Stainless Tubes and Pipes is used, the remaining 1.003/t is expected to be filled.


For UAE;

There was no amount used from the 3.297/t quota for Sheet Piling.


The 158/t quota for 3A Electrical Sheets was not used.



While 2.859/t was used from the 27.652/t quota opened for Hollow Sections, 24.793/t remained.


While 3.403/t was used from the 27.021/t quota opened for Rebar, 23.618/t remained.

Of the 65,858/t quota for Wire Rod, 6,535/t was used and 59,323/t remained.


While 903/t was used from the 39.201/t quota opened for CRC, 38,298/t remained.

Of the 157.501/t quota for HRC, 12,841/t was used. There are 144.660/t remaining.

Bosnia and Herzegovina,

While 914/t of the 32.330/t quota opened for Rebar was used, 31.416/t remained.


South Africa,

While 87/t was used out of the 1,359/t quota opened for Stainless HR Quarto Plate, 1.272/t remained.

1.052/t was used out of the 25.485/t quota opened for Stainless CR Sheets and Strips. There is 24,433/t remaining.

for USA,

Stainless HR Quarto Sheet, 23.829/t was used. 162/t was used. 23,667/t remained.

From the quota of 8,022/t for Other Seamless Tubes, 1,296/t was used and 6,726/t remained.



Türkiye started the second quarter by filling the quotas for Stainless HR Quarto Sheet. It was determined that the remaining products proceeded in their normal course.

While 930/t of the 14,962/t quota opened for Organic Coated Sheets was used, 14,032/t remained.

The quota of 19.826/t opened for Stainless HR Quarto Plate has been filled.

While 4.779/t of the 112,069/t quota for Wire Rod was used, 107,290/t remained.

29.740/t of the 447.457/t quota opened for HRC was used. 417.7171/t remained.

25.135/t of the 100.891/t quota opened for Stainless Bars and Light Sections  was used, while 75.756/t remained.

While 304/t was used out of the 1.482/t quota opened for Railway Materials, 1.178/t remained.

While 59,359 of the 93,660/t quota opened for Hollow Sections was used, 34.301/t remained.

12,988/t of the 36,251/t quota for Other Welved Pipes was used. 23.263/t remained.

For Non Alloy Wire, 3.332/t was used out of the 48.916/t quota. The expected quota of 45,584/t remained.

3.245/t was used out of the 14.215/t quota for Large welded tubes. 10,970/t remained.

818/t was used out of 89.869/t quota opened for Rebar. The remaining 89,051/t quota is expected to be filled.


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